What’s the best paid search plugin for WordPress?

There are so many search plugins listed online, but I’ve never actually used one. I need a solid paid search plugin for my property site. Anyone here tried any reliable ones and can share some feedback?

I’d recommend Ajax Search Lite.

ElasticPress is a good option. If you want something that’s free or paid, check out Relevanssi.

I had written something but removed it… anyway, Relevanssi is worth trying if you want something reliable.

Kerry said:
I had written something but removed it… anyway, Relevanssi is worth trying if you want something reliable.

Relevanssi’s code is great. Unlike WordPress core’s slow MySQL LIKE ‘%searchterm%’ method, it handles MySQL searches more efficiently.

Check out FacetWP. It’s good for advanced filtering.

Be careful with some of the plugins listed here. They can slow down your site since they rely heavily on MySQL text searches. We ended up building our own solution with a separate search server (ElasticSearch, Manticore, Solr) for better performance.

Yeah, that’s exactly why I’m looking for a plugin that shifts the load to a third-party service. Search processes can really eat up server resources.

Just code your own search. It’s easier than you think.

For a free Ajax live search plugin, you can try this: https://theplusblocks.com/plus-blocks/advanced-wp-ajax-searchbar/

Here’s another one to check out: eCommerce Site Search ▷ DOOFINDER Search Solutions