Yearly plugin subscriptions are really getting out of hand… anyone feeling this?

Been noticing more plugins turning into yearly subscriptions lately. It’s honestly driving me nuts. Feels like even the devs are jumping on the big corp money train.

Anyone here know plugins with a lifetime purchase option?

Some that I’ve been using:

  • WPAmelia
  • WPForms (any better alternatives?)
  • ViewWPForms (another plugin stacked on top… it’s exhausting)

Currently searching for a good WebHook Automator. Seen Uncanny Automator and Automator WP. Which one do you prefer? Or maybe there’s another option I’ve missed?

Thanks in advance!

Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

Chen said:

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

FacetWP should be too.

Chen said:

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

Totally agree, even if it’s not perfect.

Chen said:

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

You don’t need it if you know how to use WordPress metadata functions.

Oh sure, let me just code a custom wrapper for every site I build. Sounds super fun.

Clarke said:
Oh sure, let me just code a custom wrapper for every site I build. Sounds super fun.

You could just write a custom plugin once and reuse it across all your sites.

Someone already made a great plugin for that and keeps it updated. Why reinvent the wheel?

Clarke said:
Someone already made a great plugin for that and keeps it updated. Why reinvent the wheel?

Fair, but this discussion is about avoiding yearly fees.

Micah said:

Clarke said:
Someone already made a great plugin for that and keeps it updated. Why reinvent the wheel?

Fair, but this discussion is about avoiding yearly fees.

$4 per month doesn’t seem too bad though.

That’s not the point. The point is minimizing unnecessary subscriptions.

Micah said:
That’s not the point. The point is minimizing unnecessary subscriptions.

Yeah, not necessary at all. People are overthinking it.

Micah said:
That’s not the point. The point is minimizing unnecessary subscriptions.

I think it’s about figuring out which ones are worth the cost and which aren’t.

Exactly, and that plugin is ACF.

Using ACF isn’t just for ease; it’s about maintaining standards.

Andi said:
Using ACF isn’t just for ease; it’s about maintaining standards.

I prefer custom plugins to avoid extra dependencies.

Been giving this a try more lately.

Chen said:

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

Folders for the media library should’ve been core ages ago.

Chen said:

Toby said:
Every day I wake up thankful for my lifetime ACF license.

ACF should be part of WordPress core by now.

Not gonna happen. It’s owned by WPE, and they’re not selling.